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Email Encryption and Signature Services FAQs

  • 1. What is Document Co-Signing? Is it a free service or a charged service?


    The Document Co-Signing is the digital signature on the documents when two or more organizations jointly issue and sign the document. Users can use the "Co-Signing" function in the "E-sign" menu to complete this signature. It is especially suitable for application scenarios where government agencies jointly issue documents. The Co-Signing service is a free service for users who have purchased the MeSign Document D-signature service. Click here to download and view the co-signing sample PDF document.

  • 2. What are the differences among Document Co-Signing, Document Signing and Contract Signing?


    The Document Co-Signing service is another type of document signing service. In MeSign APP, the “Document Signing” on the “E-sign” menu refers to the document signing service for a single signer, the "Co-Signing" refers to the document signing for multi-signers, the co-signing process is same as the contract signing process. The signing initiator initiates the co-signing and sends it to other signatories through encrypted email. Each co-signing signatory also uses the MeSign APP to complete the signing. Therefore, all signatories need to be MeSign APP users, and they all need to purchase the Document D-signature services. Although the signing process is same as the contract signing process, but there is need to purchase the Contract E-signature Services.

  • 3. What is the first signatory? How is it different from other signatories?


    The first signatory is the co-signing initiator, so the first signatory will use the "Certifying Signature" method to sign the document which represents that this document is issued by this signatory. While the second signatory and other signatories use the "Approval Signature" method to sign the document after the first signatory finish the signing, which represent they agree to post this document together. When the Adobe Reader open this document, it will display the identity information of the co-signing initiator on the top line. The difference between the co-signing and the contract signing is that the co-signing use two signing methods throughout the entire process, but the contract signing is signed by the "Approval Signature" method only. And the difference between the co-signing and the Document D-signature is that the co-signing need to be transferred through encrypted email like contract signing, but the Document D-signature does not.